
About Us

High Quality Solutions

Technical Solutions and Product Documentation for Your Company!

We are passionate about ensuring that you and your customers have accurate technical documentation.

Multi{SET} offers our customers Computer Aided Design and Drafting, Product and Machine Development and Technical Documentation services.  We actively engage with our clients to help them develop and execute best-fit solutions to meet their specific product and manufacturing needs. 

Innovative Solutions

Your team gets up every day to make and deliver products of outstanding quality to your company’s customers.  They plan and execute solutions to problems that every process and company faces.  They come together to make your company better, your processes better, your products better.  Your team makes you proud.

Our team is here to help produce the technical documentation required to support these efforts.  Producing these valuable technical assets can be a daunting task, and we just happen to be quite passionate about it.  Our team knows how much value proper documentation holds.  We are ready to integrate with your team and support them to free them up to do what they do best, innovate for your customers. Our team has many years of experience in the manufacturing industry working with companies of all sizes.  Let us support yours.

Quality Excellence

We have the systems and processes in place to capture, manage and deliver your requirements.  It starts with a talk where we can discuss and capture your known requirements and discuss how our services may be able to benefit and support you.  We work with you and your team to develop a plan and schedule that works so that we can have valuable solutions to you when you need them.